Marvel Characters (Gods)


Image result for marvel hercules
As demigod-- a child of both Zeus and a mortal woman--Hercules also wears the mantle of Avenger, having been a longtime mainstay of the team. He is incredibly strong, but his strength is his only real asset. As a member of the team, he provides muscle and the occasional godly wisdom. There are few characters he couldn't best in a physical brawl, but there are other areas in which he might come up short. Essentially, it's the human side of Hercules that keeps him from being higher up on this list. He does have his weaknesses, as he's proven from time to time. For a god, he's gotten taken down hard on a few occasions. is strength is inarguable, but compared to some of the other Marvel deities out there, he doesn't really stack up against them quite as well. That's nothing to sell his incredible physical prowess short, though. When it comes to muscle, he's one of the most powerful Marvel characters, easily.


Hercules first appeared in JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY ANNUAL No. 1 He was one of the most favorite character in the MCU and is only counted as one of the most powerful God. He hasn't made his debut in Movies yet.


Image result for death mcu
In contrast to Gaea, the Goddess of the Earth, there is Death. Death cannot be defeated, even if many in the Marvel canon have temporarily avoided or even returned from it. Death is constant and unwavering.Unlike DC's personification of Death, Marvel's version does not have a healthy outlook or understand the cosmic good of what she's doing. Marvel's Death ultimately seeks the Death of the entire universe. She does not represent the life cycle, only the endgame of a cosmos completely devoid of life. Thanos seeks to court her love by attempting to bring her this, kicking off the Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War story lines that are no so famous and beloved It is unlikely, but still possible, that the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War will see Thanos with the same motivation for seeking the gems as his comic book counterpart. Death's affection was also courted-with temporarily more success-by the antihero Deadpool.


Death first appeared in Captain Marvel No. 1 and was named as the most horrifying and powerful goddess. Her wish of KILLING HALF THE UNIVERSE made her famous. She hasn't made her debut in Movies yet. 


Related imageGaea, goddess of the Earth itself, is one of the few deities in Marvel mythology to cross between separate mythologies almost taking the place of a singular God She has infused her essence into all living beings and is the embodiment of life and growth. Gaea plays almost equal parts in Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology as it is depicted historically in the Marvel Universe. She is even revealed to be the biological mother of Thor. Her power lies in life and renewal, and that power remains pretty much unwavering as long as there is still life. If things continue to thrive, she functions as normal Gaea is not a fighter and never really presents herself as such. She operates on a much larger, cosmic scale, balancing the life of the entire universe on her shoulders.


Gaea first appeared in Doctor Strange No. 6 and was known as one of the most selfless character of the MCU. She hasn't made her debut in movies yet.


Egyptian god of evil and chaos, Set (or Seth) is in some ways the ultimate embodiment of evil itself. He does not represent the darkness before the Earth, as Mikaboshi does, but rather the darkness that sprung about as soon as human beings began to do terrible things to one another. That's what makes him terrifying. He speaks to the innate cruelty and desire to do evil inside of every person and personifies that, even exploiting it for his own benefit. In addition to being incredibly manipulative Set is able to control armies of the dead, once even seizing control of a horde of dinosaurs to attempt to wipe out all mammal life on Earth, as the dinosaurs were the source of his power at that time. Even being beaten by Atum, Set has come back to Earth to wreak havoc many times, taking as much glee in mischief as Loki, but also taking the time to truly relish in the evil of his horrific deeds.


Set made her first appearance in The Phoenix on the Sword, Weird Tales. She hasn't made her debut in Movies yet.


Image result for odin mcuKing and All-father of Asgard, Odin and Thor have not always seen eye-to-eye so to speak, but there has always been a respect between them Odin can be brash, even cruel, but he is a wise king which is the most important trait for a ruler of his status. He has been a warlord in the past and knows when to use his power, as well as when not to. Being wise has never stopped him from leaping into battle and proving his incredible level of power, though. As much as he thinks about the betterment of his people, he has often done incredibly brutal and ruthless things for the sake of them. Odin is a character driven by tactical thinking, but not necessarily by conscience, and that can make him even more powerful in the long run.


She made her first appearance in Journey into Mystery no. 86. He appeared in Thor for the first time as father of Thor. He was finished in THOR RAGNAROK.


Image result for hela
Nothing in the universe is more powerful than death. It is the one thing that cannot be overcome. While Hela is not the physical embodiment of death, she is the goddess of it, or was at least appointed to be such by Odin, In the comics, she is not his daughter as she is in Thor: Ragnarok. Instead, she is actually the child of Loki, though her father was a different incarnation who died in a previous Ragnarok, implied to be the end of the actual Norse gods as we know them. That makes Hela a relic leftover from actual Norse myth, rather than the Marvel reinterpretation of it. She has proven herself a force to be reckoned with, winning several of her battles with Thor and always at the very least presenting herself as a threat that the god of thunder takes very, very seriously.


Hela first appeared in Journey into Mystery No.102 and was known as one of the most villainous characters in the MCU. She made her first appearance in Thor Ragnarok and was killed by Surtur because  she wanted to create destruction. 


Image result for thorOne of the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe, Thor is a legendary god. He is incredibly strong on his own, but when coupled with the power of his hammer Mjolnir he can be next-to-impossible to defeat. Of course, that doesn't mean that he has never been beaten. It happens more often than he would surely like to admit. Thor s possession of Mjolnir and his gifts stemming from being the god of thunder are what place him higher on the list than a demigod like Hercules Their level of physical strength might be similar, but Thor ultimately has more powers with more inventive applications that can often help him gain the upper hand in a fight. Even after losing Mjolnir and the mantle of Thor to Jane Foster, Thor Odinson proved himself to be an incredibly strong warrior.


Thor first appeared in Journey into Mystery No. 83. He was one of the most favorite character and made his first debut in Thor. He was the most lovable characters in the MCU. 


In stark contrast to Hercules, Loki has an array of magical talents that make him an incredibly formidable threat, but he doesn't have much in the way of imposing physical strength. Because of this, he doesn't rank high on the list. Loki's not about being all- powerful. In fact, if he was, his character wouldn't have much motivation as it is the quest for power that has fueled him for so long. Wanting the throne and desiring to rule, he ultimately wants to be noticed and become more popular
Image result for lokithan his brother. Loki's magical abilities and his gift for illusion are great, but his strongest asset
will always be his cunning ability to think, talk or manipulate himself out of any given situation. That's what makes him a force to be reckoned with and such a longstanding thorn in Thor's side. With those talents in mind, he's easily one of the most manipulative Marvel Villains and has earned his reputation as a trickster well. Even when he's not always a villains.


He made his first appearance in Journey into Mystery No. 86 and is still one of the most loved villain in the history of MCU. He appeared in Thor as villain but later became a hero.


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