Box Office


Image result for iron man 1"

Iron Man

Opening Weekend: $98,618,668
Domestic Total: $318.412 101
Worldwide Total: $585,174,222
Reported Budget: $140 million

When a character who was previously unknown to most moviegoers ends up grossing almost over $100 million domestically and goes on to make over half a billion worldwide, that's a recipe for success. If Iron Man had flopped, the state of the MCU would Iook very different. It arguably may not even exist.

Image result for the incredible hulk" The Incredible Hulk

Opening Weekend: $55 414,050
Domestic Total: $134,806,913
Worldwide Total: $263 427 551
Reported Budget: $150 million

If any film in the MCU could be qualified as a flop, it's The Incredible Hulk To be Marvel didn't quite know what it was yet, and it looks like the Hulk character died really connect with audiences (which makes sense; it's a superhero that doesn't want to do anything spectacular, and so you have a guy who hates being the thing that audience wants to see him do, which is Hulk out)

Iron Man 2

Image result for iron man 2" Opening Weekend: $128,122 480
Domestic Total: $312,433, 331
Worldwide Total: $623 933 331
Reported Budget: $200 million

While the story has a lot of problems Iron Man 2 performed admirably at the box office. It out-grossed the original on opening weekend and worldwide, showing that the first movie wasn't just a fluke and neither was the MCU


Image result for thor 1" Opening Weekend: $65,723,338
Domestic Total: $181.030 624
Worldwide Total: $449 326,618
Reported Budget: $150 million

While nether Thor or Captain America The First Avenger outdid the first Iron Man they had a taller order, and based on a tougher concept and selling a new character, they did admirably. They showed that the studio was reaching audiences even if the film wasn't a phenomenon

Image result for captain america the first avenger" Captain America First Avenger

Opening Weekend: $65,058,524
Domestic Total: $176,654,505
Worldwide Total: $370,569,774
Reported Budget: $140 million

Again, if you look at the film laying the groundwork, it's a success. It's not a smash, and Marvel probably wouldn't be happy if it kept performing at this level, but it's good enough to let the studio know that people want to see the character in The Avengers

Image result for the avengers" The Avengers

Opening Weekend: $207 438,708
Domestic Total: $623,357 910
Worldwide Total: $1,518,812 988
Reported Budget: $220 million

Marvel spent more on this film than they had on any other to date, but made sense This is what it was all leading up to, and their bet paid off big At the time, it was the highest grossing opening weekend of all time and it currently stands as the 5th-highest grossing film of all time So, yeah It did alright

Iron Man 3

Image result for iron man 3" Opening Weekend: $174, 144,585
Domestic Total: $409,013,994
Worldwide Total: $1,214,811,252
Reported Budget: $200 million

One could argue that the films inflated box office was coasting off how well Avengers did, and while you might be able to make that argument for its opening weekend, you don't get to Over a billion dollars unless audiences like what you're doing. Iron Man 3 is drastically different than every other MCU film, but audiences went for it.

Image result for thor the dark world" Thor: The Dark World 

Opening Weekend: $85,737,841
Domestic Total: $206,362, 140
Worldwide Total: $644,571,4002
Reported Budget: $170 million

Thor: The Dark World did slightly better than the original, but not by a large amount. It's a franchise that Marvel clearly hash't quite cracked with regards to domestic audiences, so it's not a surprise that Thor Ragnarok looks radically different than the first two movies.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier 

Image result for captain america winter soldier" Opening Weekend: $95,023,721
Domestic Total: $259,766, 572
Worldwide Total: $714,264,267
Reported Budget: $170 million

On the other hand, The Winter Soldier was a huge leap over the first movie when it came to the box office. The film grossed almost double of what The First Avenger made worldwide. It shows that audiences had sparked not only to the character, but also to the Russo Brothers' take on his world

Guardians of the Galaxy 

Image result for guardians of the galaxy" Opening Weekend: $94,320,883
Domestic Total: $333,176,600
Worldwide Total: $773,328,629
Reported Budget: $170 million

The success of Guardians of the Galaxy speaks to both the power of Marvel's brand and James Gunn's unique take. Guardians is incredibly different than other Marvel movies, but the Marvel brand got people to come out on opening weekend and people liked Gunn's vision so much that it grossed almost three quarters of a billion dollars worldwide

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Image result for age of ultron" Opening Weekend: $191,271,109
Domestic Total: $459,005,868
Worldwide Total: $1,405,403,694
Reported Budget: $250 million

While Age of Ultron made slightly less than the first Avengers, it wasn't a drastic drop-off, and basically in line with how sequels tend to make less than the original That being said, $1.4 billion worldwide is nothing to scoff at. Also, even if the film made less than a billion, it's not like Marvel would stop making Avengers movies


Image result for ant man" Opening Weekend: $57,225,526
Domestic Total: $180,202,163
Worldwide Total: $519,311,965
Reported Budget: $130 million

Arguably, the Marvel brand faltered a bit here with the movie making drastically less only a few months after Age of Ultron came out but the for a debut of a new character (the first solo hero to get a debut since The First Avenger back in 2011), getting over half a billion worldwide is a solid return especially when you factor in the turbulent production.

Captain America: Civil War

Image result for captain america civil war" Opening Weekend: $179,139,142
Domestic Total: $408,084,349
Worldwide Total: $1,153,304,495
Reported Budget: $250 million

Marvel packed their third Captain America movie with superheroes and it paid off at previous takes from the first two Captain America movies the box office. The movie grossed over a billion worldwide, and shattered the Avengers.

Image result for doctor strange 1" Doctor Strange 

Opening Weekend: $85,058,311
Domestic Total: $232,641,920
Worldwide Total: $677,718,395
Reported Budget: $165 million

The Marvel machine continues to hum along and the success of Doctor Strange shows that it shouldn't have any problems forth foreseeable future. If the studio is basically guaranteed to gross over half a billion worldwide on each new character and can keep costs relatively low then their model for success shows no signs of slowing down.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 

Image result for guardians of the galaxy"Opening Weekend: $146,510,104
Domestic Total: $389,813, 101
Worldwide Total: $863,562,289
Reported Budget: $200 million

The sequel has far surpassed the original at the box office. While the movie benefited from a May box office that was relatively non-competitive, it's still a strong sign that fans rushed out to Support a film that was even stranger than the original Guardians 2 shows that once audiences have invested in the characters, they re willing to just hang out and spend time with them even if its not a big, plot-driven epic

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Image result for spider man homecoming" Opening Weekend: $117,027,503
Domestic Total: $334,201,140
Worldwide Total: $880,166,924
Reported Budget: $175 million

This is a bit of a tricky one to include because while the movie is firmly in the MCU it's also a character and a movie distributed by Sony Pictures, who owns the Spider- Man character Nevertheless, it qualifies as an MCU movie, and judging by the box office, Marvel gave the character the shot in the arm he needed after the lackluster Amazing Spider-Man movies

Thor: Ragnarok

Image result for thor ragnarok" Opening Weekend: $122,744,989
Domestic Total: $315,085,289
Worldwide Total: $853,977,126
Reported Budget: $180 million

Thor Ragnarok exploded past the opening weekends of the first two Thor movies which is an encouraging sign for Marvel. It shows that audiences are connecting with the character, and if the studio is willing to change up the framework-moving more from fantasy to sci-fi and adding the specific, comedic voice of director Taika Waititi then audiences are going to go for it.

Black Panther 

Image result for black panther" Opening Weekend: $201,797,000
Domestic Total: $700,059 566
Worldwide Total: $1,346,913, 161
Reported Budget: $200 million

Over a month before Black Panther opened, it looked like the film would shatter records In the end, it obliterated the competition and nabbed the fifth-highest opening weekend of all-time. It's also the second-highest Marvel opener of all-time behind The Avengers The A+ Cinema Score for Black Panther indicates that word of-mouth on the movie was strong, and it was serious player at the box office over the following weeks and months. Moreover, even though Infinity War holds the worldwide record, Black Panther out grossed the Avengers sequel domestically
Image result for infinity war"

Avengers: Infinity War 

Opening Weekend: $257,698,183
Domestic Total: $678,815,482
Worldwide Total: $2,048,359,754
Reported Budget: n\a
In its opening weekend, Avengers: Infinity War took the title for biggest opening weekend of all-time, both domestic and foreign. It also showed no signs of slowing down as it went on to become Marvel's highest grossing movie of all-time by a hefty margin

Ant-Man and the Wasp 

Image result for ant man and the wasp" Opening Weekend: $75,812,205
Domestic Total: $216,648 740
Worldwide Total: $622 674, 139
Reported Budget: n\a

Ant-Man and the Wasp had the lowest opening weekend in some time for Marvel Studios, but still managed to gross nearly $100 million more than its predecessor That's not as big of a jump as other Marvel films to their sequels, but still solid

Captain Marvel 

Image result for captain marvel" Opening Weekend: $153,433,423
Domestic Total: $426,829,839
Worldwide Total: $1,128,274,794
Reported Budget: n\a

Captain Marvel made a major splash right out the gate, marking one of the best debuts for a superhero in Marvel's history. While one could argue that Marvel has a stronger brand now than it did back when it was launching Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor, that brand was well established by the time Doctor Strange came along, so it's clear that the character of Captain Marvel had something to do with drawing audiences out to the theater. And it has clearly paid off as further, higher, faster at the box office than other new characters. Something about Captain Marvel clearly clicked with audiences as the movie bolted past the $1 billion mark at the box office.

Avengers: Endgame 

Image result for endgame" Opening Weekend: $357, 100,000
Domestic Total: $858 365.685
Worldwide Total: $2.796,267,086
Reported Budget: $356 million

Everyone knew Avengers: Endgame would be a massive hit at the box office but even  believers were astonished at the films opening weekend The culmination of the MCU shattered every box office opening record in sight landing not just the biggest opening weekend of all time by a large margin but also becoming the fastest movie to ever cross $1 billion worldwide The film toppled Avatar s record to become the highest-grossing film of all time worldwide but fell short of The Force Awakens domestic all-time record of $936 million

Spider-Man: Far From Home 

Image result for far from home" Opening Weekend: $92,579,212
Domestic Total: $388,112,846 (as of 9/9/19)
Worldwide Total: $1,126,343,923 (as of 9/9/19)
Reported Budget: $160 million

The latest Spider-man franchise is proving to be a hit at the box office. While The Amazing Spider-Man movies weren't outright fops they definitely under performed Far From Home was able to gross almost $200 million in less than a week, and worldwide has gone on to become the highest-grossing film in Sony Pictures history Sure, the holiday weekend helped, but it's clear that audiences have an affinity for this new take on the character

World Wide Ranking

  1.  Avengers: Endgame: $2,772,469,552 (as of 7/8/19)
  2.  Avengers: Infinity War: $2,048, 359,754
  3.  The Avengers: $1,518,812 988
  4. Avengers: Age of Ultron: $1 405 403 694
  5. Black Panther: $1346, 913, 161
  6. Iron Man 3: $1 214,811 252
  7. Captain America: Civil War: $1 153,304 495
  8. Captain Marvel: $1,128,274,794
  9. Spider-Man: Homecoming: $880 166 924
  10. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: $863,562,289
  11. Thor: Ragnarok: $853,977,126
  12. Guardians of the Galaxy: $773,328,629
  13. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: $714.264,267
  14. Doctor Strange: $677,718,395
  15. Thor: The Dark World: $644 571402
  16. Iron Man 2: $623,933 331
  17. Ant-Man and the Wasp: $622 674 139
  18. Iron Man: $585,174,222
  19. Spider-Man: Far From Home: $577 766 500 (as of 7/8/19)
  20. Ant-Man: $519,311,965
  21. Thor: $449,326,618
  22. Captain America: The First Avenger: $370,569,774
  23. The Incredible Hulk: $263,427,551
Image result for MARVEL"

By Abubakar and Arham


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