Bread Butter Sandwich

On The Way to Success

As, all of  you have seen a lot about Marvel. Let me tell you that they had to face a lot on the way to success. In the starting time, Marvel Comics were loved by all but soon, their readers lost interest in Marvel Comics and move towards DC, they started preferring DC Comics over Marvel as DC had better stories. Marvel's owner Stan Lee thought that they must start something new so, after sometime, Marvel decided to move towards Movie making, the movies all of us love now-a-days. But the movie were not like that in the start.
Image result for captain america 1944"
The first old age movie of Marvel was Captain America, that movie was a great flop and people hated that movie more than anything. The budget of Marvel's Captain America 1944 was $222,906 but the movie made $182,623 that was huge loss but Marvel didn't lose hope and made Hulk, Thor and Captain America. All of those movies were flop and they made Marvel BANKRUPT. Marvel was completely on loss and they didn't had money to publish a single Comic. Marvel was stuck, so, Stan Lee decide to sell its characters. Stan Lee sold THE X_MEN , FANTASTIC FOUR and his most favorite character SPIDER MAN as well as DEADPOOL to SONY and FOX PICTURES and lose heart to make further movies. He was depressed because half of his creation was sold because of his mistake. After long time, the ownership was Inherited by Kevin Feign who is still the owner of MCU. Kevin Feign was more interested in making movies rather than Comics, so he buckled up and decided to make another movie BLADE  I II and III the budget of all those movies were $164 million and they made $415 million out of it which was a huge success. Marvel was back in line after that and after that, Marvel started making such movies that  no one would want them as their opponent. Now, after long tome Marvel is one of the best Movie Franchise and is also one of the most valuable and rich movie franchise in the whole world.
Image result for marvel movie blade"Soon when Marvel became the best, Kevin Feign thought that he would get his characters back. Spider Man, X-Men and Fantastic four were the greatest characters by Marvel and he wanted them to be back. So, Kevin Feign went to owner of  Sony and Fox and ask them to sell the characters back. Fox owner was the one that disrespected Kevin Feign and said: "SHUT UP! OR I WILL THROW THIS BUTTER AND BREAD SANDWICH ON YOU" and later throw that sandwich on Kevin Feign. Sony also refused. Later, Kevin feign take revenge from both of them.

MCU bought Entire FOX and had a deal with SONY that is in favor of MCU only

Kevin Feign worked hard and showed the whole industry that he is the worst opponent. Now, marvel holds the authority of Fox and Sony and is the owner of X-Men, Fantastic Four, Spider Man and Deadpool.
Image result for kevin Feige"
                                                                                                             By Abubakar and Arham


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