Marvel Characters (Aliens)

We live in a universe which  is endless and we have no idea how much it expands and that's what make life interesting. There are people that believe that aliens are out there looking forward to meet us but there are no rigid proofs.
No one is able to prove any alien till now but Stan Lee don't work with proofs he need a pen to make everything believe that there are aliens, because he is the person who created MCU derived as Marvel Cinematic Universe, a whole universe was created by him so he get to decide either there must be aliens or not.
Stan Lee liked the idea of Aliens so he created alien species and gave them a story and a world where they can be either villain or a hero. 
Image result for ego mcu
Stan Lee created a universe where humans were not alone, there were plenty of planets and every plant has its own life even though at a point Stan Lee give life to planet itself so that it could talk and move around i.e: Ego (a planet that could talk, move, control itself and can expand as much as it want. Marvel Created many alien character and most of the villains were aliens i.e;

  • Thanos
  • Galactus
  • Ego etc.
Let me describe these major characters, THANOS was an Alien from planet Titan, he was a special child and was hated by all people, he was able to concentrate on things better so, he always used to talk about destruction of Titan because of Over population but no one listened to him and think of him as a fool, later, he was thrown out of the planet and soon, Titan gets destroyed due to over population. From then, Thanos decided to control over population and according to him the solution was to kill half the universe that was kind of hilarious and that point of killing half the universe made him the Greatest Villain. Galactus is also a villain and is said as the LARGEST VILLAIN of the MCU because he is a planet eater and eats planets when he feels hungry, he don't care about the life on the planet that make him the greatest villain. Ego is also a well known villain because he tried to take over the whole worlds by growing his plants in the worlds. 
Image result for galactus
Lets have a look at the bright side, Marvel created countless heroes that were the savior of the world i.e;

  • Lady Sif
  • Vondu
  • Gamore
  • Nebula etc.


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